Paris Through the Looking Glass

I firmly believe that the photographer should ADD something to the image, I mean the naked-eye-right-what's-in front-of-you image, and not just take a literal point-and-shoot mess. Creative photographers, that is. Otherwise, what is the point of having a nice camera, or even a not-nice one, if you don't try and do something original with it?

Photography used to be criticised or poo-pooed by real 'artists' as a sort of second class creative citizen, but now I think the tables have been turned and it is the painters who are running scared! In any case, for goodness' sake, don't be satisfied with what you see first when a scene strikes you as interesting. Stop and think about how you could make it more interesting and add your personal stamp to your work! You'll be glad you did.

Reflections are one of the street photographer's most powerful allies. You can find them often enough, and if you're lucky you can produce some arresting and unexpected images.

This shot was taken on my Latin Quarter Photo Tour, quite early on a Sunday morning (hey, anything before 11 a.m is early on a Sunday, isn't it?) with one of my 'tourees' acting as the passing interest (the girl walking by)!

Hey, you can even see me in the pic if you look closely enough! But the shot wasn't a self-portrait as such so it didn't make into that section on the Paris Set Me Free site.



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